I'm not complaining about the pain, but I sure do hate to take all these medicines. I take twelve other medicines every day on top of pain relief. Some are daytime medicines and some are to help me sleep. I used to refuse anything to help me at night, but I got tired of hallucinations, night terrors and kicking my wife in my sleep. Now I'm at least able to stay awake during the day and asleep by night. I'm still not rested, but at least I can hold my head up most days.
The examiner at my last C&P exam asked me why I didn't feel I could work. I told him, "All of it together." There isn't much more to say about it, but between the medicines, the pains and the other conditions that wax and wane from day to day, I'm always on edge. I try not to be irritable or snappish, but I find myself fighting that urge more and more all the time. I'm thankful for the understanding friends and family in my life.
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