Are all of us created equal? I've always believed we were, but its a difficult proposition to find evidence for. There is plenty of evidence for inequality. All you have to do is look at the difference between punishments handed down for different crimes. Convicted Enron officials won't do nearly the time a repeat crack dealer will see behind bars. Status and power seem rooted in the idea of inequality, and most Americans seem to believe that is how things should be. I'm not so sure.
Peace is an illusion that is easily shattered. Whether its a crazed gunman or a belligerent drunk driving home from the bar, it only takes a second to destroy a life and alter all the lives that person touches. We operate everyday under the assumption that peace is the natural state of affairs, but we are all just heartbeats away from that nameless fear of bloodshed. Do I want peace? Of course, but I know there is a darkness to be held at bay. I don't advocate turning your home into an armed camp, but I don't think being taken meekly by those who would do you harm is a solution either. Not one I want to take on anyway.
I have always believed in a community's strength through diversity. I believe that lots of different perspectives give us all a better chance at seeing our way through whatever troubles come our way. I have seen enough different cultures and countries to still believe diversity can be a strength. I know that it can be difficult to reconcile some differences, but I still think its worth the extra effort. I believe in this so strongly that I have high hopes that equality and peace still have a chance in this cold, often cruel world.
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