Everyone has some kind of trouble with money it seems. Even those who aren't struggling from paycheck to paycheck want more to save or spend. I would love the luxury of having enough to pay all my family's bills. I have a rotating policy for paying bills and it generally revolves around who plans to shut off my service as to who gets paid first. I don't like money. I don't like to talk about it and I don't like how it makes people behave. I especially dislike the way a lack of money makes people (including myself) act. It is another layer of frustration on my already crowded plate to worry about how far behind we are on the house payment, car payment, or the utilities at any given time.
I'm on what people used to refer to as a 'fixed income'. I still do. When the bill collectors ask how I got behind, its my go to story for an explanation. Every time I tell it, it's true. Every time I tell it I feel like a fool. Lack of money does that too. Here's the hard part for me, I'll never make more money. I'm not physically or mentally capable of holding down a job anymore. So I'll never be able to put in more hours to earn that extra cash I need.
I've already worked from home, sold stuff on ebay and tried to make a go of working from home on my own. Nothing panned out. I don't qualify for most public assistance programs because my VA disability compensation counts as 'unearned income'. That part really bugs me too.
I wait for VA and the Social Security Administration to decide they agree with me about employment. I've waited about two years on both. I'm still waiting. I'm still frustrated and I'm still broke. My only ray of hope is that one or both of my claims through VA and SSA will come through and rescue me from debt's door.
I'm not alone. Many fellow veterans are in the same predicament, waiting on a decision, floundering in debt. Many like me are behind on mortgage payments. That puts us just steps away from foreclosure and homelessness. VA has programs for that, but I have yet to find one I qualify for. Still, it could be worse. I still have all my parts, no shrapnel to carry around and although my brain is traumatized I still have some sense left.
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